
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hello!: Is that you God? by Adrian Hawkes

Our problem is that sometimes we cannot hear properly; and sometimes for all sorts of reasons we fail to understand. A bit like a child who develops communication and they grow and mature in communication skills. It is not immediate; and actually we continue to develop interpersonal communications for the whole of our lives. Many of us could enjoy the same experience (journey) in our communications with God.
"It's interesting that as we get older we cut out certain frequencies. Sometimes our ears are just not attuned, or sometimes it's because of distraction, like when I pull up in my car and start talking to my next door neighbour and sub-consciously disregard the regular bell-like pulse of my alarm that tells me the fact that I've left my lights on to my peril. Perhaps the alarm is ringing and this book will help you to hear it."-Dave Bilbrough, International worship leader and songwriter
(Synopsis taken from Goodreads.)
My Thoughts:
I did not enjoy this book. The pictures didn't match the stories at all. The author of the story said that he believes in God, yet he doesn't trust God enough to send a hot water bottle to Africa. He seemed very hypocritical telling his stories, such as the one mentioned above. I am happy that this was a very short read, because I didn't waste much time reading it. At less than fifty pages, it only took about half an hour to read. Honestly, I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone to read. 
I give Hello!: Is that you God?: 1/5.
I received this book in exchange for an honest review and was in no way compensated for this review.

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