
Friday, February 10, 2012

Shelf Candy Saturday #1

Shelf Candy Saturday is a weekly meme hosted by Five Alarm Book Reviews where you show your favorite book covers and explained why you picked them.

My shelf candy this week is:
Exiled by RaShelle Workman.

Why I chose this cover:
It's absolutely gorgeous. I love the model's crazy hair, and the butterflies. The picture fits really well with the character description as well. The cover is the main reason I wanted to read the book, which I'm glad I did because it turned out to be an incredible book. (You can read my review here).

What's your shelf candy for this week? If you don't participate, what's an incredible looking book cover you've seen recently? Leave your answer in the comments.


  1. Yeah! This is such an interesting cover. It is just magical. I haven't had a chance to read it yet, but I am off to check out your review. Thanks for sharing the cover and participating in Shelf Candy.

    1. Thanks for reading my review and creating an awesome meme for everyone to participate in.

  2. Great pick, thanks for sharing. This cover is so eye catching and I've seen it everywhere. It reminds me of cotton candy lol.

    I've noticed the new Fallen cover is really pretty--simple, but pretty--the same gothic look as the others. Book #4, I think? I've never read the series, but I love the covers!

    1. Thanks Rachael! It's an incredible book. I love the Fallen covers as well. I've only read the first book but it's pretty amazing. I must admit, I want the dress on the cover of the first book. lol.

  3. Such a beautiful cover! Really pretty.

    I just stopped by to let you know I've tagged you on my blog. Don't feel obligated to participate!

    Book Tag

    1. Thank you so much! I might participate later this week, if I get time.

  4. I am so excited you reviewed this book and enjoyed it! I have it on my TBR pile and LOVE the cover, it is beautiful. Extremely eye catching! I might have to move it up a couple spots on the massive TBR list!

    Jamie @ A Book Club of One

    1. I have a ridiculously massive TBR list as well. It would definitely be worth it to move it up.

  5. Hi.. I like your choice of cover..different! Here is my Shelf Candy.

    A new follower! I would love, if you could follow back!

    Vidya @ Books Are Magic

    1. I followed you back. I've never heard of Much Ado About Rogues or the series in general, but the cover is pretty. Purple is one of my favorite colors.

  6. What a great choice! I love butterflies and I think they really add something to the cover and I love her crazy hair too! This book will have to go onto my TBR pile!


  7. Fabulous choice. i love the way the butterflies tie into it. So cute and her hair is like straight out of a magazine. :D

  8. Wow!! I love the colors and the butterflies in her hair. This cover is great! Gonna have to check this one out.

    Steph @ Steph's Stacks' Shelf Candy

  9. I totally agree with all the previous comments! This is indeed a GORGEOUS cover!! The effect of the butterflies combined with the hair is simply perfect. I also have to mention the nice blue near the bottom of the cover. It adds that extra magical feel to this stunning jacket!

    I'm going to read your review. Thanks for featuring this, and have a GREAT weekend!! : )

    Maria @

    1. Thanks. I didn't even think about the blue, but now that you mention it, you're right. I hope you had a great weekend as well.

  10. I haven't seen this book yet and WOW! That is a beautiful cover. Thanks for sharing! I'm going to put this on my TBR list right now! Love covers with butterflies!

    here is my shelf candy if you're interested:

    1. Thanks! I've never read The Time Traveler's Wife, but I loved the movie.
