
Saturday, March 3, 2012

My Next Ten Books to Read and Review (#2)

The first time I posted a list of the next ten books I was going to review, it was fairly popular so I decided to do it again. I like the posting the lists because it gives authors a chance to see if their book is going to get reviewed soon. Also, it gives my followers a chance to check out the upcoming books I have to review, just in case they want to read a specific book with me or before I do. Authors, if you don't see your book on this list, don't worry, I will get to it sooner or later. I have a giant pile of 110 books to review, and it's still growing. I thank everyone for their patience. This does not include any ebook copies I have for review. I review them in between print books.

1. The Meerkat Wars by H.S. Toshack
This book looks so cute. I love the cover and the plot summary. It's a middle grade/YA novel and has some pictures so I'm hoping it doesn't take very long.

2. Eco Station One by Edwin Stark
I have my doubts that I'm going to like this one, but I'll give it a try. It's not my usual genre that I read. The author sent it with a book I requested.

3. Cuentos by Edwin Stark
I love short stories novellas. It's very short, so it should take about an hour to read.

4. Retribution by Kelsey Miller
One of the things that you'll notice if you pay attention to my blog is I love vampire books. I'm always looking for new vampire books to read. I'm not sure how long this will take to read.

5. Island Shifters: An Oath of the Blood
This book sounds really good. I've been wanting to read more shifter novels, and this sounded like a good place to start. Once again, I'm not sure how long it will take to read.

6. The Witch Awakening by Karen Nilsen
I love paranormal romance books, and thought the cover was pretty and the synopsis sounded good so I decided to give it a try.

7. Eat Your Heart Out by Dayna Ingram
Lesbians and zombies. Two of my favorite things. How could I say no? This book is short, so it should only take me a few days to read.

8. Bound by Fire by Ronald J. Craft
This cover looks amazing. It had been on my to read list for quite a long time now, so I decided to request a review copy.

9. The Caldecott Chronicles: Excerpt No. 1 by R.G. Bullet
There are two reasons I wanted to read this book. It's about zombies, which always makes me happy. Also, I wanted to know why the cat was in his pocket on the cover. This is another short one, so it should only take a day or two to read.

10. The Apocalypse Gene by Suki Michelle and Carlyle Clark
I've been wanting to read this book for a long time now, and can't wait until I can finally read it. I've heard a lot of great things about it.

Have you read any of these books? If so, leave me a comment and let me know what you thought.

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