
Monday, August 6, 2012

Cover Reveal: Allusive Aftershock by Susan Griscom

Title: Allusive Aftershock
Author: Susan Griscom
Series: Stand Alone
Publisher: Amber Glow Books
Release date: 2013


What happens when a major earthquake changes life as you know it and the boy you thought you hated ends up saving you? Three times!

Courtland Reese is the guy everyone hates and makes fun of because … well, he is weird. He communicates with animals. Strange or interesting, seventeen-year-old Adela Castielle can’t quite figure out but when he saves her from being trampled by her own horse, she begins to understand him a little better and wants to learn more about him.

But, Max, her best friend/dream guy/someday-to-be-her-husband-only-he-doesn’t-know it—yet, hates Courtland with a passion. Adela wants to know why, except both boys are very reticent about the whole issue.

When Max leaves her stranded in his parents' wine cellar with his worst enemy, Courtland, after what the experts are calling a “megathrust” earthquake, Adela starts to question her loyalty to Max as steamy kisses in a dark damp cellar only fuel her emotions with more conflict.

But does she really have time to worry about that when fire, destruction and mayhem surround her?

I must admit, I love this cover. I've been seeing this couple a lot on book covers. The more covers I see them on, the better they look. I'm definitely adding this to my to-read pile. Thank you Susan for letting me know about the cover.


  1. I've seen P and S... in so many covers now... :/
    I'm seriously um... well... I like the cover but I would have liked to see different people-models-on it :'(

  2. I pretty sure if I ran in to him I'd be in shock too. :-)
