
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Seth's review of Goth Girls Don't Taste Like Chicken by Robert Tomoguchi

A tale of two goths caught in the epic and cosmic struggle for identity as goth club socialites and low paid employees of a greasy fast food joint.

Okay, maybe that's a bit much. 

In the words of the story's narrator: "This is gonna be a story about this time we went to a goth club and almost got killed by some weirdo and then almost killed somebody else, and in the process discovered that goth girls don't taste like chicken. Not one bit."

Seth's Thoughts:

This is a very short story clocking in at just past fifty pages. Goth Girls Don't Taste Like Chicken starts out a bit slow. The writing style fits pretty much how I assume a goth person thinks. That or a person who is pretending to be goth. Which I suspect is the case with the main character.

It’s a quick fun read and I would go so far as to recommend it to anyone who wants an easy fun fiction read. I really enjoyed the book.

Seth gives Goth Girls Don't Taste Like Chicken: 3/5.

Want to know more about the author?

I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. Neither Seth nor I were compensated for this review.

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