
Monday, December 10, 2012

Seth's review of The Gathering by S.L. Dearing

Thirteen years after the last world war, the village of Lia Fail sits peacefully above the Hollywood Reservoir in the Santa Monica Mountains. The village is making ready for the fall Gathering, where the other colonies from various parts of what was once Southern California visit for ten days of fun and reminiscence. What begins as a normal Gathering, soon changes as the people of Lia Fail begin to see magic around them. Then they receive news of a horrific massacre and face a nightmare as a dark evil descends on the tranquil village. Alia Stark, the queen of Lia Fail, must face this evil along side her oldest and dearest friends as well as an incredible new ally as the fate of her people and the lives of her children rest in her hands. Will her new magic be strong enough to save those she loves the most?

Seth's Thoughts:

I would like to say that I gave this book a lot of effort. I kept coming back to it in order to finish it. But each time I picked it up to read, it failed to grab me and pull me into the hole in the page that transports me into the story. I ended up only getting about one hundred pages into it and could go no further with it. I did not finish reading it. The characters were lacking in development from page one. The story was also a bust. I just couldn’t get over the fact that a person who was a ‘beat patrol cop in Los Angeles’ was able to do magic. My suspension of disbelief was just not there. I understand what the author was trying to achieve here but the different elements of the story just did not mesh well at all. Eventually I might get around to finishing the book, but as or now, it's just not for me.

Seth gives The Gathering: 1/5.

Want to know more about the author?

I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. Neither Seth nor I were compensated in any way for this review.

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