
Saturday, July 20, 2013

What About Daisy by Maryam Faresh

An uplifting & inspiring children's story about Daisy, a rescue dog born deafblind in search of her forever home. With the help of her canine rescue mom, Ms. Didi, her two fairies, Bella & Beva and a three legged cat named Louie, the adventure to find Daisy her loving home will entertain and warm your heart.

My Thoughts:

What About Daisy is a wonderful children’s book. It teaches an important lesson. Even if someone is different than you or has a disability, you should not make fun of them. Just because someone has a disability doesn’t make them any less special. Daisy is a blind and deaf dog. Her mother is worried that no one will adopt her. However, due to Daisy being special, she goes on adventures with her friends. She finally gets adopted by a special woman who has a disability. The woman is in a wheelchair. This is a great book that I think every child should read. Maybe if they did there would be less bullying in the world. I also loved that the animals ‘autographed’ my book. I thought it was adorable. 

I give What About Daisy: 5/5.

Want to know about the author?

I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review  I was in no way compensated for this review.

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