
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Ascensions by B.S. Mais

For nearly a thousand years Persephone and her father have waited in the shadows, plotting the overthrow of the gods. Plotting to ascend to the highest throne. Plotting to rule over mortals. Now they are ready to put into motion the final steps of their diabolical plan. With her father’s election to the seat of galactic power all but assured, Persephone is dispatched on one last mission to hunt down and destroy the only person powerful enough to undo all that she and her father have worked so hard to achieve—a mysterious but beautiful katana-wielding assassin with a sinister past of her own.

My Thoughts:

Ascensions was a good novel. It caught my interest right away, which is unusual for a short story. Usually, I read short stories because they are a quick read when I am bored. That wasn’t the case with this book. I read it because it was entertaining. The plot was intricate, yet easy to follow. I loved the mythology aspect of the story. I’ve always been interested in mythology. Reading about it in a futuristic setting was definitely a treat. I didn’t predict the big plot twist before it happened. It had me flabbergasted. I loved the way the book ended. I’m hoping that Persephone will be able to be with her husband now. I’m eagerly awaiting the next book in the series. 

I give Ascensions: 5/5.

Want to know more about the author?

I received this book from the author in exchange or an honest review. I was in no way compensated for this review.

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