
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Seth's ARC review of The Memory of Sky by Robert Reed

Diamond is an odd little boy, a seemingly fragile child - who proves to be anything but. An epic story begins when he steps into the world his parents have so carefully kept him from, a world where gigantic trees each house thousands of humans and another human species, the papio, rule its far edges. Does Diamond hold the promise to remake one species and, perhaps, change all of the Creation?

Seth's Thoughts:

Diamond is a little boy like most others. He likes his toy soldiers and making up his little boy games and epic battles with his soldiers and Mister Mister his stuffed doll. What makes Diamond is a little bit different than other little boys is hard to figure out at first. It could be his stubby legs and arms, or his little nose on his face. Or, it could be the fact that he can gouge open his face and pull his skin apart until he exposes his skull and not have a scar from it within a minute.

Diamond is a special little boy. His parents know this so they keep him locked away in a closet, until one day when they leave his closet open. He wanders out looking for his mother and shortly after leaving his house, embarks upon a fairly large expedition. 

Turns out diamond isn’t the only special one in the world. There are several others that are special but not in the same way as he is. There’s King, who serves the Autarch, and then there is The Eight, who serve the Papio.  They can regenerate like Diamond, but not nearly as fast as he does. King has a lot more body armor than the other two. The Eight are eight brains in one body. Rumors persist of a fourth floating around in the wild.

Any who, as far as fantasy/science fiction goes this wasn’t too bad of a story. Things were a bit confusing at first figuring out the way that the world worked, but once I sketched a little picture on a scrap piece of paper things began to make more sense. That might be something to add into the book if you’re reading this Robert Reed. I mean, if it hasn’t been thought of yet that is.

The book flowed well. I didn’t have much trouble when it switched perspectives on me. I know that’s a pet peeve of my wife, but I quite enjoy multiple views in a story. I recommend reading it while you watch the snow fall, and sip on some hot cocoa.

Seth gives The Memory of Sky: 4/5.

Want to know more about the author?

I received this ARC from the publisher, Prime Books, via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Neither Seth nor I were compensated in anyway for this review.

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