
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Stalking You Now by Jeff Strand

The reprehensible man sits in the restaurant. Laughing with his friends. Entertaining them with a story about his wretched behavior. 

He doesn't know that somebody at another table is watching him. Somebody filled with hatred. Somebody waiting for him to be alone. Somebody with duct tape and a gun.

It's a night for vengeance. And a hell of a lot more.

My Thoughts:
Stalking You Now is a book that I would not normally read. It wasn't just a small step out of my comfort zone; it was a giant leap. I never would have imagined myself picking up this book, or enjoying it. That being said, I was surprised at how much I loved Stalking You Now.

Stalking you Now was a very dark, gritty, and twisted novel. It was also full of suspense. I didn't see most of the plot twists before they happened. The giant one floored me. I really liked the way the book ended.

The characters were completely messed up. Jeff Strand is great at writing characters with a lot of dark, cynical humor. He's also great at writing characters that are complex. Even though the story was short, I found my self immersed in both of the characters and their motives for doing what they did. At first, I thought Mindy was just some stupid bimbo. By the end of the book, her actions had me shocked.

My husband also read this book. He loved it so much that he ended up gifting a Kindle copy to a friend. This was not my first Jeff Strand book, and it certainly won't be my last. I'm interested to see what kind of crazy stories and plot twists he comes up with next.

I give Stalking You Now: 4/5.

Want to know more about the author?

I received this book from the publisher, DarkFuse, vis NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way compensated for this review.

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