
Thursday, February 16, 2017

Fit to Be Tied by Tiffany Reisz

With her feelings for Lance warring with her recent encounter with Søren, Nora returns to Lance's bed and finds herself toying with the idea of…toying with him on a permanent basis. But after she gets a glimpse into his personal angst, Nora realizes she has the power to rescue this white knight….
(Synopsis taken from Goodreads).

My Thoughts:
I love Tiffany Reisz's writing. I have to admit, I haven't read a lot of her books yet, but the ones I have read, I'm obsessed with. The Last Good Knight is my favorite series that I've read by her so far. I really love how the reader gets an inside look at Nora's life before The Siren.

Fit to Be Tied wasn't my favorite part in The Last Good Knight Novellas, but I did still enjoy it. I felt like the plot didn't advance much in this part of the series. There was only one thing that was important. The rest just felt unnecessary. 

There were a few things I did like about Fit to Be Tied. I really enjoyed seeing the relationship between Lance and Nora develop. I really hope that they can find a way to make it work, although I have a feeling it isn't going to happen. I love the way Tiffany Reisz is able to capture the chemistry that Nora and Lance have together. You can practically feel it sizzling off the page. I'm about to say an unpopular opinion, but I really don't like Soren. I think he's such a jerk, and that Nora deserves much better.

The Last Good Knight series is highly addictive. Although Fit to Be Tied wasn't my favorite volume in the series, I have high expectations for the last volume in the series, The Last Good Night. I'm excited to see how Tiffany Reisz wraps everything up, and get some answers to the questions I have.

I give Fit to Be Tied: 3/5.

Want to know more about the author?

I received this ebook from the publisher, via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way compensated for this review.

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