
Sunday, January 7, 2018

Bonnie and the Beast by Alexa Black

The Beast's castle has been lonely since an angry sorceress cursed her years ago, and she resigned herself to it a long time ago. But now a woman has promised to brave the curse, and for the first time in too many years the Beast has someone to talk to—and perhaps even break the curse. 

But tricking people into visiting your castle isn't how you find a soulmate. And looking stranger than a werewolf doesn't help.

(Synopsis from Goodreads).

My Thoughts:
Beauty and the Beast has always been one of my favorite fairytales. Every time I see a Beauty and the Beast retelling has been released, it jumps to the top of my to be read pile. Combine that with an LGBT theme, and I am all over wanting to read it. Unfortunately, it didn't turn out the way I wanted it to while reading Bonnie and the Beast, a lesbian re-telling of Beauty and the Beast. I went in with high expectations, and ended up massively disappointed. 

I don't know where to start about what went wrong with Bonnie and the Beast. There were so many things I didn't like about it. I don't typically like saying this about books, but it was pointless. It was basically just a thirty-four page sex scene. There was no plot, no character introduction, nothing that set up the story for the reader to know what was going on. There was absolutely no chemistry between the Beast and Bonnie at all. The sex scene wasn't even steamy, or hot. It was just awkward with the Beast being in her furry form. It made it difficult to read, and even gross at times.

I think if Bonnie and the Beast would have been longer, it would have been better. The story was so short that the plot couldn't properly develop. There were things that were mentioned that were briefly glossed over that I think would have been really interesting if the reader was told more about them. For example, I would have loved to learn more about how the old woman cursed the Beast, and what that curse entailed. The author kept talking about it like it was unique and something that hadn't been done in a Beauty and the Beast re-telling before. I would have also like to hear more about the Beast's interaction with the man that made a deal to have Bonnie come to her. There are a few other plot points as well that I wanted to know more about. Not getting any of that explained made for a disappointing, bland, and boring book.

I did not like Bonnie and the Beast whatsoever. It makes me sad because the book had so much potential, but it really fell flat. The author also had so much potential to really hook readers and tell an amazing story, but it never happened. I don't think I will be trying any of this author's other books in the future, based on how I felt about Bonnie and the Beast. As much as I love LGBT fairytale re-tellings, there are much better ones to read.

I give Bonnie and the Beast: 1/5.

Want to know more about the author?

I received this book from the publisher, via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way compensated for this review.

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