Sunday, November 10, 2019
To Drink Coffee with a Ghost by Amanda Lovelace
"You cannot have a funeral for your mother without also having a funeral for yourself." This book poses the ever-lingering question: What happens when someone dies before they're able to redeem themselves?
From the bestselling & award-winning poetess, Amanda Lovelace, comes the finale of her illustrated duology, "things that h(a)unt." In the first installment, to make monsters out of girls, Lovelace explored the memory of being in a toxic romantic relationship. In to drink coffee with a ghost, Lovelace unravels the memory of the complicated relationship she had with her now-deceased mother.
(Synopsis from Goodreads).
My Thoughts:
Amanda Lovelace is one of my favorite poets. In fact, her books are what spurned my love of poetry. After reading The Witch doesn't burn in this one, I quickly devoured all of her books. When I heard that she had a new book coming out, To Drink Coffee With a Ghost, I knew I had to read it. It came as no surprise to me that I loved it.
To Drink Coffee With a Ghost was extremely personal to me. It felt like Amanda Lovelace took a peek into my life over these past few years and wrote my story. I also had a mother that I had conflicts with. She passed away two years ago, and I've been struggling to deal with the grief and emotions that I've had. This book actually helped process those emotions, and helped deal with some of my grief. Reading Amanda Lovelace's experiences taught me it's okay to feel the way that I'm feeling, and most importantly that someone else has had the same experience AND survived it. I'm not the only one that has gone through that specific situation.
I will always be grateful for Amanda Lovelace's To Drink Coffee With a Ghost. It was an emotional journey reading through her poems, but one I desperately needed at a time I needed it. Thanks to this book, I have begun to heal from my grief and experiences. This solidified Amanda Lovelace as one of my favorite poets in my mind.
I give To Drink Coffee with a Ghost: 5/5.
Want to know more about the author?
I received this book from the publisher, via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way compensated for this review.
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